Giorgi Chikovani is 6 years old and comes from Shilda in Georgia.
In May 2021, the normally very lively boy suddenly felt ill. After visiting several doctors, an MRI was taken during a visit to the hospital in Tbilisi and revealed the diagnose of a rhabdomyosarcoma – soft tissue cancer – in Giorgi’s pelvis. Several cycles of chemotherapy followed quickly, but it became clear that the cancer had already grown into Giorgi’s urinary bladder and that Giorgi therefore would urgently need a special proton therapy to compliment the chemotherapy.

Due to the lack of medical care and knowledge, such a special adapted radiation therapy is not available in Georgia.

The Western German proton therapy center in Essen (Westdeutsches Protonentherapiezentrum Essen) is able to carry out the urgently required therapy for Girogi, customised to his specific needs and clinical picture.

Giorgi’s parents, Dachi and Rusa, do have an health insurance in Georgia, but the payments are limited. Due to Giorgi’s costly diagnostic procedures (MRI, etc.) and the subsequent chemotherapy, the health insurance is already over the payout limit, so it will no longer accept any further payments for Giorgi’s treatment.

Please help us with your donation to save Giorgi’s life.
Association Sonnenschein für Kinder in Georgien e.V.
Hamburger Sparkasse
IBAN: DE94 2005 0550 1265 1073 57